Note: The runnable game above are the latest version of the build, not the version as it was when the game jam ended.


WASD control + E for interaction.

Hold E on the basket table to start each round & when interacting with the potion table.

Electric Potato, Windblade Onion, Fiery Cayenne Pepper, & Sight based magic Carrot

Grab the basket, look to the color deep within the shadow to pick your ingredients, and interact with the potion table. bring that potion to the shadow to balance it out with their other magical properties.

You will start with 3 heart each round. Failing to bring the correct potion or doing so on time will deduct 1 heart, losing all 3 heart results in a game over. 


This game is a solo project for the 15th Pirate Software Game Jam. With almost no prior knowledge at all at making a game and spent the first week at watching youtube tutorials. Focused too much on the art that I gave myself too little time to program the main gameplay loop to submit it on time.

The idea for the game are that fruit and vegetable Ingredients contains and is the source of magic substance. Although  wasn't potion oriented to begin with, our wannabe chef character needs to put a break on her ambition to understand the magical property that emerges from eating cooked food made from those ingredients and resume to what she knows more of,  to make potions out of them. No choice when the Night and shadows have come again this cycle, time to wait for another time.


GDD for Pirate Software Jam.docx 15 kB
Version when the gamejam 9.6 MB
Learning 14 MB

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